How to Reset the Cisco RV130

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Setup Router Staff
(Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 3 minutes

On this page I will show you how to properly reset the Cisco RV130 router back to the original factory defaults. This is not the same thing as a reboot. When you reboot a router you cycle the power to the unit. When you reset a router you take all the settings and return them to factory defaults. This means all your personal data is lost.

Warning: Resetting the router is a big step and should not be taken lightly. I strongly recommend trying other methods of troubleshooting before you decide to reset. I also recommend making a list of all the possible settings you have changed in the past. These settings include such things as:

  • The router's main username and password.
  • The WiFi information such as the SSID and the Internet password.
  • Are you resetting a DSL router? If so you need to re-enter the Internet Service Provider username and password. Call your ISP for these details.
  • What other settings have you changed in the past. Don't forget to include settings such as port forwards or IP address settings.

Other Cisco RV130 Guides

This is the reset router guide for the Cisco RV130. We also have the following guides for the same router:

Reset the Cisco RV130

In the image below I have circled the reset button for you. This tiny button is actually recessed to avoid accidental resets.

router reset factory settings
This is the reset page from your Cisco RV130 router.

While the Cisco RV130 router is on take a straightened paperclip and press down on the reset button for about 10 seconds. This starts the reset process which can take several minutes to complete. If you don't hold the reset button down long enough you might end up only rebooting the device instead of the reset you were intending.

Warning: DO NOT unplug or turn off the router during the reset process. Doing so can result in permanent damage to the device.

Please remember a reset like this one erases every single setting you have ever changed in the past. I strongly recommend trying other methods of troubleshooting before you decide to reset this router.

Login to the Cisco RV130

Once the Cisco RV130 router has been reset you will have to login to it. To do this you will need the default login information. This includes the default IP address, password, and username. This information can be found in our Login Guide for the Cisco RV130 router.

Tip: Unable to login with the defaults? You might have not held down the reset button for long enough during the router reset.

Change Your Password

Next you should consider changing the password for your router. The default password is not very secure and can leave your router at risk. Try to make your new password 14-20 characters long and have it be unique. Check out our Choosing a Strong Password for more useful password creation advice.

Tip: Worried about losing your password? Try writing it down on a piece of paper and attaching it to the underside of the router.

Cisco RV130 Help

Be sure to check out our other Cisco RV130 info that you might be interested in.

This is the reset router guide for the Cisco RV130. We also have the following guides for the same router: