How to change the DNS settings on a Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ router

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Setup Router Staff
(Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 4 minutes

This page shows how to change the DNS settings on the Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ router.

Other Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ Guides

This is the dns guide for the Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+. We also have the following guides for the same router:

What is the DNS setting on a Router

When you connect a router to the Internet it gets a few settings from your ISP automatically. One of the settings that the ISP sets in your router is the DNS setting. DNS stands for Domain Name System and it is used to convert Internet names into actual IP addresses. For instance, when you go to "", your are really connecting to an IP address that is mapped through DNS to a number such as:


This mapping happens automatically every time you visit any page on the Internet.

Why Change Your Router's DNS Setting

Some ISPs choose to abuse the DNS system and map unknown names to servers that they control. This can be done in a way that you don't know it is happening since your router is getting its DNS settings from your ISP. For instance, if you have one of these ISPs who is hijacking your DNS, and you try to surf the web to "" and "" does not exist, you might get a page back from your ISP with local advertisements on it.

By changing your DNS setting in your router you will effectively change the DNS setting for every computer on your network. This is because when a device is connected to your network your router automatically hands out its own DNS settings to that device. This way you can protect your entire network from ISP hijacking with just one setting.

What Should I Change My DNS To

There are 2 really great DNS servers on the Internet that you can choose from right now: Google Public DNS and OpenDNS. If you are not sure which one to pick then just use Google Public DNS.

When you change the DNS settings in your router, you usually have to enter a Primary and a Secondary setting. The secondary is only used if the primary can not be located. Here are common settings:

If you want to use Google Public DNS, use the following settings:

  • Primary:
  • Secondary:

If you want to use OpenDNS, use the following settings:


Login To The Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+

To get started configuring the Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ DNS page you need to login to your router. If you are already logged in you can skip this step.

To login to the Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+, follow our Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ Login Guide.

Change the DNS settings on a Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+

If you followed our login guide above then you should see this screen.

router status mac address internet IP
This is the status page from your Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ router.

You are now on a page called Device Info. To change the Domain Name System settings for the Atlantis WebShare-141-WN+ you need to click the choice at the top of the page labeled Interface Setup. Then LAN.

Configure the DNS section of your Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+

router setup
This is the setup page from your Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ router.

Now that you are on the correct page to change the DNS server, scroll down until you see the heading DNS in the left side bar of the page.

Next to DNS Relay, use the drop down menu to choose Use User Discovered DNS Server Only.

Below that in the box titled Primary DNS Server enter the primary IP address of the DNS server you have chosen for your network.

In the box marked Secondary DNS Server type in the secondary address of that DNS Server.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page and you are done!

Possible Problems when Changing your DNS settings

Most devices on your network will not begin using the new DNS settings until they have been rebooted. After rebooting a device you can go to it's network settings and verify that it is using the DNS servers that you specified.

Other Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ Info

Don't forget about our other Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+ info that you might be interested in.

This is the dns guide for the Atlantis Land WebShare-141-WN+. We also have the following guides for the same router: