Digicom Michelangelo Wave Port Forwarding Instructions

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Setup Router Staff
(Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 3 minutes

This page will show you how to setup a port forward on the Digicom Michelangelo Wave router.

If you are not sure what port forwarding is you can read our What is Port Forwarding guide to help get started.

Other Digicom Michelangelo Wave Guides

This is the port forwarding guide for the Digicom Michelangelo Wave 8E43714. We also have the following guides for the same router:

Configure your Computer to Have a Static IP Address

Port forwarding the Digicom Michelangelo Wave to your computer can be more reliable if you first configure a static IP address on your computer. We have instructions to setup a static IP address for Windows 7, Windows 8, and a variety of other devices on our Static IP Address Settings page.

Please note that while setting up a static IP address on your computer is optional, it is still a very good idea to go ahead and do it. In the long run it will make your port forward much more reliable.

Login To The Digicom Michelangelo Wave

To get started forwarding a port you need to login to your Digicom Michelangelo Wave router. If you are already logged in you can skip this step.

To login to the Digicom Michelangelo Wave, follow our Digicom Michelangelo Wave Login Guide.

Forward a Port on the Digicom Michelangelo Wave router

Find The Port Forwarding Section of the Digicom Michelangelo Wave

router status mac address internet IP
This is the status page from your Digicom Michelangelo Wave router.

Starting on the Device Information page of the Digicom MichelangeloWave-8E43714 router, click the tab at the top of the page labeled Advanced Setup. Then, under that, choose NAT.

Configure the Port Forwarding section of your Digicom Michelangelo Wave

Now to forward a port, make the following changes:

router nat enable disable
This is the nat page from your Digicom Michelangelo Wave router.

On this new page, click the link in the center section of your page labeled Virtual Server.

router nat enable disable
This is the nat page from your Digicom Michelangelo Wave router.

You are now on the correct page to forward a port/ports.

First, use the Rule Index drop down menu to select a number that has not yet been used for port forwarding.

Below that is the Application Name. Use this box to enter something that helps you remember why you are forwarding these ports, such as the program name.

In the Protocol drop down menu, choose the type of protocol you need to use to forward these ports.

If you are forwarding a single port, enter that number in the Start Port Number box, and again in the End Port Number box. To forward a range of ports, such as 80-100, enter the lowest number in the Start Port Number box, and the highest number of the range in the End Port Number box.

Each computer in your network has it's own specif LAN IP address, in the Local IP Address, enter the LAN IP address of the specific computer you are forwarding these ports to.

Finally, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen.

That's it, you did it!

Test if Your Ports are Open

Now that you have forwarded ports on the Digicom Michelangelo Wave you should test to see if your ports are forwarded correctly.

To test if your ports are forwarded you should use our Open Port Check tool.

Other Digicom Michelangelo Wave Info

Don't forget about our other Digicom Michelangelo Wave info that you might be interested in.

This is the port forwarding guide for the Digicom Michelangelo Wave 8E43714. We also have the following guides for the same router: